SUG Aspirant Master. B distributes free nose masks to students in Zenith Hostel, AAUA

It is no longer a news that the school management has mandated the use of nose mask within the campus.

With this in place, the  SUG aspirant MASTER. B has responded to the students immediate challenge by distributing free nose masks to students of the 21st century University properly called.

Earlier this evening the SUG aspirant visited Zenith Hostel and distributed over 70 nose masks to the residents of the hostel.

Student receiving nose mask from Master. B

One of the students interviewed expressed her heart-felt joy over the efforts and selfless service of MASTER. B and promised to support him in making this great dream come through.

It should also be recalled that Master B distributed nose masks also to some stranded students at small gate who were not allowed into the campus because of nose mask.

"There is no better way to prove your readiness to SERVE other than responding to the peoples immediate needs" Master .B

Support the man with vision, support the man with the right mandate!!

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