Greatest Nigerian Students

Alutarian Greetings to my patriotic leaders and affable comrades.

By the virtue of Naming ceremony, I'm Comrade Kowe Oluwaseun, politically and renownedly recognised as INTEGRITY.

Permit me to express my sincere gratitude to my leading leaders in the most ideological race. To your corridor, I humbly bring an atonement enriched with Un-diluted humility branded with gross sincerity with purpose, delicacies of selflessness.

Having INTEGRITY is a capital. You can never have an impact on your society if you have not changed yourself. Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, honesty and humility.

Hence, exploring the foregoing, I want to use this medium to declare my ambition to run for the office of the CHAIRMAN, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIAN STUDENTS, JCC ONDO AXIS.

My passion for improving the students' welfare as well as promoting justice stimulates my strength towards running for this position. In the same vein, my fervor to also improve our defined association is the reason I'm officially announcing my candidacy for this office. I can't emerge without the support of Stakeholders, Senators, Comrades and Students of Ondo State. Thus, your support is highly pertinent without any skepticism. 

I confess with a sincerity of heart that I am an encapsulation of the capacity to help improve the system and build on good legacies of our past heroes. My quintessential leaders, it is certain that we share similarities even amidst variegation and diversity. We're socialised from different parents, yet our values and morals are mostly the same as Nigerians.

Without mincing words, If elected, I will take a lead nationally on issues of students' interest. 

Develop and launch a leadership scheme to empower students populace

I will launch a leadership conference to inspire students to express their thoughts as well as getting them engaged in the decision making of the administration. 

Provide leadership training to our union bodies and leaders to further develop their prowess. 

I will ensure that all programmes are executed on the basis of equality and oneness.

I will consistently and relentlessly represent the views and interests of all students especially as it concerns their education and welfare.

I will promptly respond to complaints or challenges faced by students in their academic pursuit.

I will implement all pending projects embarked on by the outgoing administration that are beneficial to all students.

According to Harvey Firestone ‘the growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership’. Your growth and development as students is dependent on your Education and Welfare. I am determined to ensure your growth and development as students by ensuring that issues relating to your welfare and many more interests are dealt with timely, efficiently and effectively.

Kindly Vote Leo Comr Kowe Oluwaseun PKA INTEGRITY for NANS Chairman Ondo State Axis

As always, please accept the assurance of my highest regards and consideration.

Looking forward to serving you! 

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